Thursday, July 4, 2024

SOP - How to handle work order


How to handle work order


3.1   Check the restaurant

3.1.1 Check the wall paining, spot light, chairs, tables, floor, fridge, buffet counter, doors and cabinet of the restaurant 

3.1.2 Check the temperature of the restaurant ensure that cold enough 

3.1.3 The supervisor has to check the restaurant day by day  

3.2   Issue work orders

3.2.1 Fill out the work order date/ department/ section and area

3.2.2 Write down it in details  

3.2.3 Issue work orders to engineering department according to the actual situation 

3.2.4 When there is no answer after a few days we have to follow up with engineering department 

3.2.5 Manager or supervisor have to follow up go to the engineering office and looking for the chief engineering or the person who get involve with that to explain the reason of not follow up the work order 

3.2.6 Ask them to follow up and ask for the date or time that they can do it   

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