Thursday, July 4, 2024

SOP - How to handle of leave form

 How to handle of leave form


  1. Handle Sick Leave Forms

    1. Attach the doctor's certificate

    2. Write the name, date and signature clearly on the form

    3. Staff and the manager/ assistant have to sign for acknowledgement

    4. Keep a record in case of any queries

    5. Place form on F&B coordinator’s tray for Director of Food and Beverage approval 

  1. Handle Annual Leave and Public Holiday Forms

    1. Information of annual leave and public holiday forms are based on the duty roster and the vacation plan

    2. Write the name, date and signature clearly on the form

    3. Manager/ assistant have to sign the form for acknowledgement

    4. Obtain the approval from the Director of Food and Beverage or his Food and Beverage Operations Manager before submitting to Human Resources

    5. Keep record in case of any queries

  1. Handle Marriage, Paternity, Funeral and Unpaid Leave 

    1. Attach the certificate (except unpaid leave) 

    2. Write the name, date and signature clearly on the form

    3. Explanation of unpaid leave 

    4. Write down number of date taken from ….to … clearly on the form  

    5. Staff and the manager/ assistant have to sign for acknowledgement

    6. Keep a record in case of any queries

    7. Place form on F&B coordinator’s tray for Director of Food and Beverage approval 

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