Sunday, August 13, 2023

SOP03 - Escort Guest to the table

 Policy Statement

All guests will be provided with full assistance and escorted to the table within 1 minute of being acknowledged, offering a chair assistance and unfolded napkin service while sitting down.


  1. Escort Guest to the table

  The guest will be asked to follow the hostess/waitress to a well laid table.

Escort the guest to the table, with an open palm facing upwards gestures 

“Please follow me, I will show you to your table”

  • When reaching the table, ask the guest

 “Here is your table Mr. David, is this fine with you? 

2. If guest requests a seating preference that is unavailable 

  • Inform the guest on this situation.

“My apologize Mr. David the table you preferred is not available. Would you prefer to sit at this table or near the window?

3.     Walking and distance

Do not walk too fast and away from the guest, keep the distance about a meter

4.     Conversation with guest

    Try to have some “small” conversation with the guest when walking.

Excuse me, May I assist you with your bag?

“Where are you coming from?” “How long do you stay in Cambodia?”

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