Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Greeting The Guest

  Policy Statement

All guests will be greeted at the entrance with Khmer traditional way “Sampeah” within 20 second of the arrival, using a warm manner, eye contact and smiling to welcome.


  1. When the guest approach at the entrance

When the guest approaches us at the entrance, open the door for them and use eye contact and smile with a warm manner to welcome them.

  1. Greet the guest

Greet with Khmer traditional way “Sampeah”. 

Good afternoon/ evening madam/sir. Welcome to Lotus Blanc Restaurant. How may I help (assist) you?

  1. Call the guest by name if repeated guest

Welcome the guest by name if you know his/her name. 

Good afternoon/evening Mr./Mrs. Martin, welcome back to Lotus Blanc Restaurant. 

Please also be careful, there will be difference culture for this situation!

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