Wednesday, July 26, 2023

01- Employee conduct in work area

  Department : Food & Beverage Job Title: All

            Task : Employee conduct in work area Duration: 60mn

Objective : To be a professional in working area

Task Breakdown

STEP (How)




All staffs are to strictly adhere to the following rules and regulations

  • Do not smoke in or around the restaurant, bar or kitchen

  • Do not shout in or around the restaurant or bar

  • Do not wear flashy or excessive jewellery

  • Do not lean against the wall or slouch

  • Never argue with a guest

  • Never leave the restaurant, bar or kitchen without informing your supervisor

  • Do not invite personal visitors or encourage personal telephone calls (mobile or Resort phone line)

  • Do not run in the restaurant

  • Do not chew gum in or around the restaurant or bar

  • Do not carry out a conversation in your language in front of the guest

  • Keep your uniforms clean and correct at all times

  • Wear the right footwear at all times

  • Keep your work area neat and tidy at all times

Always report on time (5 minutes earlier) for your work.

Developed By : Chun Sophors

Reviewed By





Approved By :                         (General Manager)

Received By:                                HR (Training)



The SOP needs to be approved by the General Manager and a copy needs to be kept at the Human Resources Department.

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