Monday, July 12, 2021

FBSOP019 - How To Open and Served White Wine


How to open and served white wine


    Take a bottle of red wine

  • Take out from the fridge or wine cellar with care
  • Ensure wine serving temperature is correct
  • Dry white wine 10c / 50f
  • Sweet white win 12.8c / 55f
  • Slowly and carefully
    Bring the wine to the guest table
  • Place a bottle of the wine in an ice bucket fill with ice and water 3/4 full
  • Place a clean white napkin on the top of wine bucket
  • Hold the wine stand with the ice bucket and then carry it to the table
    Take out the bottle of white wine form the ice bucket
  • Using the service napkin or white napkin
  • To wipe and drying the bottle of white wine
  • Place the bottle of white wine on the napkin
  • Place half folded napkin on palm of left hand
     Check Napkins
  • Napkin must be clean and no torn
  • Napkin must be well pressed
     Hold the white wine bottle
  • Stand bottle with left palm
  • Ensure it rest firmly on the palm
  • Do not obstruct / cover the label
  • Hold tip of napkin and neck of bottle
  • Hold with your right hand
  • Place bottle neck in between thumb and index finger
    Present the bottle of white wine for approval
  • Show label to guest [ host ]
  • Read the name of the wine and vintage to the guest
  • " Excuse Me Sir / Madam, Here is your wine order is Chablis 2002, everything is correct?"
    Put back the bottle into the bucket
  • Slowly and carefully
    Open wine / Waiter's Friends
  • Open the blade of the wine opener
  • Not rusty
  • It should be sharp and clean
    Place knife on foil
  • About 0.5cm down the bottle rim
  • Knife positioned horizontally to label
    Cut foil
  • Clockwise completely and anticlockwise again
  • Do not turn the bottle
    Remove the foil
  • Remove the cut foil from the bottle
  • Gently and slowly
  • Ensure the foil is cut properly
  • Place the foil into the ice bucket or in your pocket
    Wipe the top of the bottle
  • Rim of the bottle and surroundings with service napkin
  • To remove mold
    How to open wine / corkscrew
  • With right hand
  • Support and grip the opener
  • Hold the wine opener between thumb and index finger
    Hold the bottle neck
  • with left hand
  • Hold back of bottle neck firmly
    Insert corkscrew
  • One complete turn before inserting
  • With right hand, applying force gently
  • Do not push
    Turn Corkscrew
  • With right hand into bottle
  • Gently and slowly
  • Do not force or push down
  • Do not turn the bottle
  • Stop when the last spiral completely enters the cork
  • Grip the bottle neck close to rim for support
    Ease Cork Upwards
  • Slowly and gently
  • Hold the neck firmly
  • Lift back corkscrew upwards
  • Stop when corkscrew is 3/4 out of bottle

Check with the Video Practice 

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