Obtain Champagne
- Present Label
- Verify customer choice
- Vintage must correspond with the wine list
- Champagne must be chilled 8 Co
Obtain Service Gear
- Collect ice bucket, stand, folded napkin and place near table
- Put champagne into ice bucket
- Place folded napkin over Champagne neck
- Fill 3/4 full with ice
- Fill 1/2 full with water
- Clean folded napkin
Present Champagne
- Remove champagne from ice bucket
- Wipe dry the bottle
- Place champagne on half folded napkin on left palm
- Present to the host / taster from the right
- Announce the type & vintage
- Use guest's name
- Left hand hold bottom of bottle
- Right hand gently holds the neck of bottle
Open Champagne
- Take 3 steps away from table hold in hand
- Tear the foil
- Loosen wire
- Grab hold of cork and twist to open
- Let the gas escape gently to avoid of pop sound
Serve Champagne
- Prepare champagne for service
- Half folded napkin at the back of the bottle
- Serve the host / taster 1/5 of the glass of the champagne
- Seek for approval
- Serve guest first, host last
- No drip
- Label facing the guest always
Store the Champagne
- Return to ice bucket
- Slowly and gently
- Place folded napkin over Champagne neck
- Check that napkin hangs neatly down the sides of the bucket Sir / Madam, Please enjoy your champagne.
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