Friday, July 5, 2024

Grooming standard

 Grooming standard


  1. Staff must maintain high grooming standards at all time (front and back of the house)

  1. Feeling Good About Yourself

    1. You can begin by taking a look at yourself.

    2. Always ask yourself? “do I look good enough to serve our customers?”.

  1. Values and Dress

    1. These values affect the choices that you make.

    2. These values also affect the type of clothing that you are wearing.

    3. Your appearance communicates your values to others.

  1. First Impression

    1. (A) person will judge you in a matter of 15 seconds. What you are wearing says whole lot about who you are.

    2. Having correct appearance can be your competitive advantage over someone else.

    3. (C) with first impressions, there is no erase button so make certain that the first impression is a positive one.

    4. People judge you based on how you look and how you carry out.

    5. This is not only important in the hotel, but in all aspects of life. Guests will judge the hotel when they see you!

  1. Words, Tones & Body Language

    1. (A) 55% Body language (includes appearance).

    2. (B) 38% Tone

    3. (C) 7% Words


  1. General Appearance & Personal Hygiene

    1. Never yawn or stretch your body in front of your guests. If you can not control your yawning, at least cover your mouth and say “Excuse me” 

    2. Always hold your body erect, head and shoulders straight, with your chest out and abdomen in.

    3. Never sing, whistle or mutter.

    4. Never tap your feet while you are walking. Always walk briskly and smartly.

    5. Never jingle your keys or coins.

    6. Do not chatter in groups in the guest area.

  1. Poise & Posture

    1. Do not lean against the walls, chairs, tables, shelves or pillars. You should stand alert at your station, ready for service.

    2. Keep an upright and erect posture at all times.

    3. Never walk with your hands behind your back or put in your pockets.

    4. Never hold hands with colleagues in the hotel premises.

    5. Never get too close to the guests nor never touch the guests

    6. Never call to someone loudly, but get closer to the person and say what you have to say.

    7. Never talk at the same time with someone else, but wait until the person has finished.

    8. Never get upset if a guest asks you to repeat your question.

    9. Do not ask guests personal questions (e.g. age, marital status….) due to different cultures, some of them maybe offended and may find it impolite. Respect the private life or discuss their personal situation.

    10. Do not talk to outside people about the hotel’s operations or the hotel’s staff or guests.

    11. Never use inappropriate or rude body languages.

  1. Hair

    1. For male staff do not allow the length of your hair to touch the shirt collar and your ears, or hang over your forehead.

    2. For female staff with long hair, tie it up at the back of your head with a black hair bunch. For short hair must always be above the shoulders.

    3. Shampoo your hair regularly to avoid dandruff.

    4. Comb your hair before starting your work and after each beak.

    5. Avoid hairstyles that appear strange to the guest.

    6. Do not scratch your hair in front of the guests.

    7. Hair should not be wet when reporting on duty.

  1. EYES & EARS

    1. Clean all sleep from your eyes before come to work.

    2. Do not scratch your eyes in front of the guests.

    3. Clean your-wax at least once a day.

    4. Do not pick your ears in front of guests.

    5. For security reasons, small earrings only are tolerated.

  1. Nose

    1. Do not pick your nose in front of the guests.

    2. Use a handkerchief or tissue to cover your nose if you have sneezed, but never in front of the guests.

    3. Trim the hair inside your nose cavity to prevent it from showing.

  1. Mouth & Teeth

    1. Use handkerchief or tissue to cover your mouth if you have to cough, but never in front the guests.

    2. Use a mouth wash to rinse your mouth to avoid bad breath. 

    3. Brush your teeth after each meal and rinse your mouth constantly. Clean and healthy teeth promote a pleasant smile and a sweet breath.

    4. Do not use toothpick when on duty.

  1.  Neck & Face

    1. Do not allow sweat to flow down your face and neck. Dry it up properly with a face towel or tissue paper.

    2. Shave everyday. No moustache is allowed (male employee)

    3. For female employees, shave your eyebrows.

    4. For female employees, use a light make up.

  1.  Hands & Nails

    1. Keep your hands clean after each meal and after going to restroom by washing with water and soap, especially if you are food-handling staff.

    2. Trim your nails at least once a week. Men should have short nails (all fingers)

    3. Keep the underneath of your nails clean by using a small brush.

    4. For female staff, use only nail polish of neutral colour. There should not be long and any nicotine stain on the nails (neither male or female)

    5. Never cut or bite your nails in front of the guest.

    6. Accessories should be minimal and should be adjusted when required by hotel management.

  1. Shirt & Blouse

    1. Fasten all buttons on your shirt.

    2. Tuck your shirt or blouse into the trousers or skirt properly, if required.

    3. Change your shirt or blouse once every day.

    4. Look out to marks and dirty spots, especially on the collar and cuffs.

    5. Do not wear collared patterned items of clothing underneath your shirt that will show through (only white)

  2.  Jacket

    1. Fasten all buttons on your jacket.

    2. Always wear your nametag on the upper left-hand corner just along the pocket of your jacket.

    3. Do not put your hands in your pockets in public guest areas.

  1.  Necktie & Belt

    1. Knot your tie properly to the collar level.

    2. For female staff, if you need to use a belt to support your trousers, please ensure that it is plain black with a conservative style

  1.  Trousers & Skirts

    1. Ensure that your trousers or skirts are properly fastened and zipped after putting on your uniform.

  1.  Socks & Stockings

    1. Wear only black socks for the male staff uniform and for another colour sock will not be permitted if no required by hotel management.

    2. Use only coloured skin stockings free of patterns for the female staff uniform and for another colours stockings will not be permitted if no required by hotel management.

    3. Make sure that your socks and stockings are free of any holes and/or runs/ worn.

  1.  Legs, Feet & Shoes

    1. Wear only plain black shoes for the male staff uniform except the spa staff.

    2. Polish your shoes before commencing duty to maintain the shine.

    3. Tie the shoestrings and do not let them touch the ground.

    4. Female housekeeping staff should a void wearing high heeled shoes. Heels should be comfortable.

    5. Keep your feet always clean and toenails trimmed.

    6. Female staff should not have hairy legs.

    7. Never walk bar-feet and never take off your shoes, even in office or behind front desk, except for housekeeping/room attendants when they are cleaning in the guestrooms.

    8. Never use slippers in the hotel premises.

  1.  Personal Hygiene

    1. Use soap when taking shower.

    2. Take a shower before duty, especially on a hot and humid day.

    3. Avoid using heavy scent or too much of any perfume.

    4. Use deodorant on a daily basis.

    5. Female employees should not have any heavy hair.

    6. Change your dirty towel once everyday.

    7. Never use towel to clean your feet/ shoes or keep wet towel in locker

  1.  Uniform

    1. Service personnel should always wear clean and well-pressed uniformed that are stain-free. The uniform should fit comfortable and have matching buttons.

    2. If you are wearing aprons, they should be clean.

    3. Collars should always be pressed and in good condition.

    4. When a jacket is worn, it should always be fixed/ buttoned, well-pressed, and stain-free.

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