Friday, October 23, 2020

Basic Espresso Extraction Step


Basic Espresso Extraction Step

On behalf you are the professional Barista you should know clearly about this process for getting the good espresso so below is all the Extract Step

  1. Cleaning Portafilter 

   2. Put Coffee Powder

  3. Level Up Coffee Powder

  • Make sure you are properly level up of coffee powder and 4 step cleaning coffee powder
    4. Tamping 

  5. Press Water to Clean Group Head in 3-5 Sec

   6. Insert Portafilter into Group Head

  7. Extract an Espresso

  8. Cleaning [Portafilter and Group Head]

  • Ensure that after you got a good espresso please spot check for cleaning such as Portafilter, Group Head, Trip Tray by using Brush and Position Cleaning Cloth

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